Country girl

Hello guys,

Today some outfit pictures, a simple and really relaxed combination. This skirt, you guys have seen before, was a bargain from Ebay but it's originally from All Saints, combined here with my Birkenstocks which are really old. In fact, I had completely forgotten about them, coming across them when I was looking for another pair of sandals, it was a nice surprise because I love their colour and they compliment this look quite well.

It's a real pain that I am having problems with my knee at moment, it really hurts and I cannot even think of wearing any of my nice heels ... it's so frustrating because a little heel always looks stylish. To be honest, it makes the look, but for now I'll have to do my best with flats. I don't have many flat shoes, so it's been very difficult to bring my outfits together.

Anyways, talking a little bit about colour... I got inspired by my nail colour, another bargain from Barry M, any 2 nail varnishes for £5. This one is a new shade, a lovely sky blue colour which went really well with my turquoise eyeshadow. A bright look which I am loving it!

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turquoise make up

all saints

Wearing: Top: Zara, Skirt: All Saints, Belt: Mulberry (gift).